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Make a Contribution

We appreciate your interest in contributing to our efforts to help save lives through organ and tissue donation. Donate Life Connecticut, a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, is dedicated to saving the lives of thousands of Connecticut residents awaiting life-saving transplants. Your monetary contributions are tax-deductible to the maximum extent allowed by law. There are many ways individuals can contribute. Regardless of the method you choose, your gift will impact the efforts of public education about the importance of being a registered organ and tissue donor in the state of Connecticut.
Thank you for supporting our efforts to save lives through organ donation!


A contribution can be made directly to DLC through Paypal, our secure online donation platform. Just click the Paypal button below to make your donation of any amount.

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Contribution Levels:

Ambassador - $250 or more

Champion - $100-$249

Supporter - $50-$99

Other - Your choice

There are several quick, easy, and secure ways to make a monetary contribution to Donate Life Connecticut. 

By Mail

Donate Life Connecticut

P.O. Box 304

Andover, CT 06232



AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your Donate Life CT every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the same low prices, vast selection, and convenient shopping experience as, with the bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your Donate Life CT. 

On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you must select a charitable organization to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. Amazon will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at will result in a donation. Please choose Donate Life CT (Use our corporate name: The Connecticut Coalition for Organ and Tissue Donation.

If you are currently supporting another charity and want to change to Donate Life CT (The Connecticut Coalition for Organ and Tissue Donation), sign in to on your desktop or mobile phone browser and select “Change your Charity” in “Your Account.”

Workplace Contributions & Matching Gifts
Donate Life Connecticut is a recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Because of this, many companies match their employees’ contributions. Matching gift programs offer an excellent way for you and your company to work together to save lives. Some companies also match gifts from corporate officers and directors, retired employees, spouses and widows/widowers. Ask your Human Resources department if your company will match your contribution. 

Community Health Charities
We are a member of good standing with the Community Health Charities (CHC) - New England Division.  The CHC allows participants to specify charities to support through their workplace.  You may designate all or part of your contribution to benefit Donate Life Connecticut (Connecticut Coalition for Organ & Tissue Donation),  Tax ID # 06-1346099.

United Way
The United Way allows participants to specify a charity on the donation form. While Donate Life Connecticut is not a United Way member agency, we do receive donor-designated contributions. Designating all or part of your United Way contribution to benefit Donate Life Connecticut (Connecticut Coalition for Organ & Tissue Donation) is easy... designate Agency 3512 on your pledge card. Donate Life Connecticut Tax ID # 06-1346099.

Memorials / In Lieu of Flowers
Funds donated in memory of your loved one will be designated to raise awareness about the critical, lifesaving need for organ and tissue donation. All donations will be acknowledged with a personal thank you letter. We will also provide a list of the people who made donations to the family of the memorial recipient.

A donation to Donate Life Connecticut can be the perfect way to commemorate birthdays, anniversaries, births, weddings, showers, or any special event.  All donations will be acknowledged with a personal thank you letter.  We will also provide a list of the people who made donations to the person and event being honored.

CT Coalition for Organ & Tissue Donation

dba Donate Life Connecticut

P.O. Box 304, Andover, CT 06232


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Website by Sound Marketing & Design.

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